2019 NORA Conference & Trade Show
November 6, 2019Visit Cory Schreiber at the 2019 NORA Conference & Trade Show
November 13-16, 2019
Naples Grande Beach Resort
Naples, Florida
NORA is a trade association that represents over 325+ leading companies in the liquid recycling industry. For more than 30 years, NORA has been defending and promoting the liquid recycling industry. NORA was established in 1985 as the National Oil Recyclers Association with the primary mission of fighting the hazardous waste designation of used oil and aid in the development of the EPA’s used oil management standards. The name was later changed to NORA, An Association of Responsible Recyclers as the business functions of the membership grew. Today, NORA represents the leading liquid recycling companies in the following areas: used oil, antifreeze, oil filters & absorbents, parts cleaning, wastewater and chemicals.
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